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"When I was a kid..."

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Grandparents and parents have a gift of bringing up the good ol’ days and telling their younger audiences how good/hard/challenging/simple it was compared to today.  And though we may roll our eyes or remind them we’ve heard that story before, it is that family history that defines us.

Unfortunately, it's all too easy to take that for granted until it’s too late.

Through her years as a grief counselor, Sue Rhomberg has heard stories of loved ones who have passed and realized that those stories often get lost in time.  So Sue created Living Legacies and, with the help of motionpost, stories and family history is being preserved through video and stills; capturing the essence of the person and the spirit of the family.  Hearing the laughter or the pain through the subject’s voice, and seeing the photos and home movies bring the past to life in a way that can be shared, first hand, for generations.


*The video clip includes a promotional intro for Living Legacies.

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Guest Saturday, 19 October 2024