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"Problem Solvers"

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We like to think of ourselves as problem solvers when clients come to us with a video challenge. Such was the case with a new Public Service Announcement (PSA) that was brought to us by Jasculca Terman PR. This important PSA is currently being used as a part of an educational curriculum and state bill campaign to prevent child sexual abuse. The challenge was to match the specific and high-end technical look of the previously shot on-camera narration of actress, Julianna Margulies (The Good Wife) and do it all for free. We connected with motionpost friend, director of photography and DePaul faculty, Pete Biagi. DePaul donated their Alexa camera and their stage at Cinespace Chicago. DP Pete Biagi and our lighting crew, all created a seamless look that we edited together and produced a PSA we are proud of. We at motionpost are honored to be a part of such an important tool of helping children and people nationwide.

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Guest Saturday, 19 October 2024