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Ed says:For a couple of months now we have been delivering the online college sports news series, The College Sports Minute.OK, OK, the producer always seems to write more like 90 seconds worth of copy, but who's to complain? Big college sports in a small package. Every weekday. Sarah Kustok. What more could you want? Check it out:...
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Ed says:I just learned Jack's Big Music Show was nominated for two Daytime Emmys for "Outstanding Original Song - Children's and Animation" and "Outstanding Pre-School Children's Series"This is marvelous new for guys at Spiffy Pictures, and an honor for me to have been Lead Editor and and Post Production Manager for both seasons of JBMS.We were up against some tough competition - including heavy weights like Sesame Street, which ultimately took the award for "Outstanding Pre-School Children's Series".As they say, it is an honor just to be nominated. To celebrate, here is another of my favorite clips from "Jack's Big Music Show".I admit, one of the reasons this is a favorite clip is that Sandy Weber and I manufactured the whole tree full of Coo-Coo birds from just 5 takes of the same puppet performing on a single "branch". The tree itself was expertly built by Sandy from just that one...
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Ed says:Last month I got a real education. That's why I love my job.It was all coffee brewers, all the time with Kevin and Pat Sinnott, long established independent producers here in the Chicago production community. Kevin's other expertise is coffee. He's been seen as a guest coffee expert on Good Morning America, the Oprah Winfrey Show and has had many articles published as a consumer coffee writer and reviewer.The DVD, "Kevin Sinnott's Coffee Brewing Secrets", features such coffee industry luminaries as Donald Schoenholt, Kenneth Davids, George Howell, Erna Knutsen and others. The DVD hasn't been released yet and the support materials (including what promises to be a very informative web site) are still being developed, but look for it all to be unveiled in time for the '08 Christmas Season. Keep an eye on this spot for links and excerpts from the video, which has great tips and insights into...
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Ed says:Motion Post specializes in affordable customized remote mobile television editorial. It's a mouthful to say, but it's what we do. Like our slogan says, we provide HD and SD broadcast quality video editing "where you want it, when you need it". Most often this work is extremely time-sensitive, so the contingency planning we do is just as important as the editing talent we bring to the remote site.As with any production, realistic contingency planning for a time-sensitive on-site edit can make or break a deadline. Plan "B" is never more vital than when you are off-site, away from your comfy edit suite.The highlights packages I did for Privileged Access TV and KRT Productions at the 2008 Home and Housewares Show at McCormick Place in Chicago was a great example.We were tasked with capturing the excitement in daily highlights videos, edited overnight, that would tease the next day's activities and provide...
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