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Our new editing project for Zacuto Films.All of the [CRITICS] episodes can be found here.
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Ed says:In our new editing project for Zacuto Films, [CRITICS], film/video veterans, Steve Weiss, Director of FilmFellas & Critics, and Philip Bloom, a London based Cinematographer and Filmmaker, come together as dueling co-hosts to candidly critique web based video content.[CRITICS] is an eclectic mix of personalities, perspectives and laughter. ...
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(Motion Post and it's employees do not represent the AMA or speak on it's behalf. My opinions are my own and are not necessarily those of Motion Post or the AMA or it's affiliates or anyone else for that matter.)...
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Ed says:I'm working on a series of "Virtual Townhall" videos for the the American Medical Association. I generally don't allow my political views to mix with my business, but I have to say I have been VERY impressed by their stance in these pieces on the subject of health system reform.Right now they are starting a major push to raise the level of the conversation and express their own take on the subject. I'll post more links as I am able.(Just so we are clear -- Motion Post and it's employees do not represent the AMA or speak on it's behalf. My opinions are my own and are not necessarily those of Motion Post or the AMA or it's affiliates or anyone else for that matter.)...
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There has been a lot of talk in the last couple of years about "Viral Video". I've seen a number of producers try to sell the concept to small businesses in an attempt to somehow leverage the power of the internet on the cheap.As Michael Hoffman's article points out, this rarely works.The people who are most successful on YouTube aren’t focused on making a single viral video. They are making a series of videos with a character or a set-up that is interesting and brings people back for more. In other words, they are building an audience through regular production of videos that tell stories. That’s what you should be thinking about. By investing in many videos over a long period of time, you are also much more likely to hit on one that attracts others to join your long-term audience.As I was doing research to create an article about our...
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