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"Cool Stuff"

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I’ll be the first to admit that I got the chills while editing the series of videos promoting the annual fundraiser, Polar Plunge for the Special Olympics.  Screening through shot after shot of enthusiastic people jumping into freezing water reinforced my belief that these people are all a bit crazy, but really dedicated to helping others. So I'm chill with that.

With the expertise of cameraman Tom McCosky braving the elements and capturing each icicle forming off the plungers’ noses, I was able to put together a series of videos aired to recruit plungers for 2016. A couple of other cool videos I co-wrote and edited were some amusing vignettes carrying the plunging theme into the workplace and schools. Super chill Courtney Olender was our camerawoman, while I directed the talent cast by the client. In the end, we produced the PSA and three additional videos to promote the event through social media. After all these edit sessions, I’m starting to warm up to the idea of plunging next year. All right, I’m done with the corny puns. Click on the following links below for the other cool videos. Oh! I did it again.

Water Cooler



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Guest Saturday, 19 October 2024