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Producer Stacey Evenson asked us to work on small series of local commercial for an agency in Central Illinois McDaniel's
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A quick blog post to give you an update of what is happening in vegas. Lots of great software and equipment to look at on this trip to Vegas. The things that impressed me the most Adobe CS 6, Smoke on a Mac and Da Vinci Resolve were my three favorites.Adobe CS 6 Lots of great improvements to an already powerful suite of products. After Effects looks even better and Premiere Pro looks awesome.Smoke on a MacAutoDesk lowered the price ($3500 plus $500 per year License). This is an awesome product I'm looking forward to testing it out on their public Beta this summer.DaVinci Resolve The best color grader on the market is even better, Blackmagic also introduced a 2.5K camera that looks like a prototype :)...
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Ed says:I'm no writer, but I'm fascinated with the process of writing. It's the purest form of art in my opinion. I think the writing process has a lot in common with video editing, especially the kind of unscripted work that I do most of the time, (to be honest though, at it's best, editing can probably only be regarded as a "high craft") Anyway...Six Tips on Writing from John Steinbeck1. Abandon the idea that you are ever going to finish. Lose track of the 400 pages and write just one page for each day, it helps. Then when it gets finished, you are always surprised.2. Write freely and as rapidly as possible and throw the whole thing on paper. Never correct or rewrite until the whole thing is down. Rewrite in process is usually found to be an excuse for not going on. It also interferes with flow and rhythm...
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Motion Post had another fantastic year in 2011. We edited a feature length documentary, Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football which had a very successful national theatrical run. The film won several prestigious awards including a Special Jury award at the Slam Dance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. It also won Best US Documentary Film at the Traverse City Film Festival, where Academy Award-winning director Michael Moore commented, “I want everyone in the country to watch this film.” BBBBRRRR!!!! Special Olympics Illinois asked us to go outside to produce a marketing video for their annual Polar Plunge. We interviewed the "plungers" as they got ready to run into the frozen waters. We wanted to show how easy it was to raise money for this awesome charity.IIT's Institute for Food Safety asked us to produce a Satellite Media Tour for their re-branded Institute for Food Safety. Motion Post put together a turn key...
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Lite Fuze partnered with Motion Post to create a content for the Cobra Electronics booth at the Consumer electronics show 2012. Cobra's new radar detector follows the contours of a Lamborghini Gallardo.Cobra's Vedetta is latest in an excellent line of radar detectors. Cobra wanted us to appeal to adrenaline junkies that buy their products, so we rented a Lamborghini for the shoot. Take a look;...
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